St Mary’s is always there to help you through one of life’s most difficult times. A Church of England-led funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the funeral regardless of whether your loved one went to church.
The funeral can be at St Mary’s or at another location (e.g. a crematorium or cemetery) and can include your own choice of hymns, music and words alongside the structure of prayer and liturgy provided by the Church of England. If you would like the funeral of your loved one to be conducted by someone from St Mary’s please ask your funeral director to get in touch with us.
After times and dates have been finalised the minister conducting the funeral will visit you at a time convenient to you and your family to discuss the arrangements. We will do all we can to help you through this difficult time.
The Church of England’s funerals website* has lots more information on arranging a funeral and getting the support you need after a bereavement.
Funeral Plans
If you are thinking about arranging your own funeral plan and would like assistance with the planning of the service we would be happy to come to see you to discuss this.